Other projects



Britain’s Got Satire

My jokes won a competition to be used in live performances and local radio broadcasts of Britain’s Got Satire.




A sufferer of acute Britishness, I once performed stand-up with self-deprecating, sarcastic wit about school textbooks, STD clinics, Craig David and my painfully boring name.

I performed at The Comedy Store, Piccadilly Comedy Club, Backyard Comedy Club and Komedia. My Brighton Fringe show, Acute Britishness, was a sell-out in 2015.

Fosters So You Think You’re Funny Competition 2014 FINALIST

Golden Jester Comedy Competition 2014 FINALIST

Comedy Virgins Max Turner Prize 2015 FINALIST

Laughing Horse New Act Competition 2014 Semi-Finalist

Comedy Knights Fresh Comedian of the Year 2014 Semi-Finalist

Comedy Knights Fresh Comedian of the Year 2013 Quarter-Finalist



Sketch, Please

I regularly write for sketch podcast group, Sketch, Please.


Episode 2: NHS Direct sketch at 5:33.

Episode 6: Windsor sketch at 6:26.

Episode 4: Hip hop philosophy at 2:31.