Latest news

My play Mary Lacy Woz Queer was selected for King’s Head Sight Unseen season and received amazing audience responses. Currently in discussions to take this play to more places!

I’m continuing my collaboration with Matchstick Theatre on their new concept, Hits and Pieces, plays inspired by songs, both as a writer and a director.

I have my first TV credit! On BBC’s Breaking The News.

My short film script, Old Joanna, was a finalist in Soho House’s prestigious Script House competition. Judge Barry Jenkins said he ‘loved the script’. I’m now working with a production company to have it made.

I’ve been writing guest articles and doing guest appearances. I’ve written for London Pub Theatres, The Londonist & King’s Head and appeared on BBC Radio London with Sunny and Shay.

My sitcom, Straight Faced, has won Pozzitive Comedy’s FunnyDot competition.

A sketch of mine recently appeared on BBC Radio 4 Extra’s podcast, The Skewer.

I’m working on an exciting screen project that involves writing a script about homosexuality during World War 2. Watch this space!

I’m working with a co-writer, Laura McGrady on a new piece about queer relationships. Working title: Billie Billy Lee Leigh. Hopefully coming soon!